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Our courses are streamed as follows:


  • Marketing

  • Communication

  • Agency Optimisation & Management

  • Innovation


See an overview of the current programme in Powerpoint format here.


These are graded as courses suitable for new or functional marketers (Foundation), as well as courses aimed at up-skilling incumbent marketers with several years experience, or those moving into managerial roles (Intermediate) and executive level courses (Advanced). We also have a number of courses aimed at "non-marketers" - those in the organisation who work closely with marketing such as HR, Legal, Factory Management, and most NB - Sales.


Modules include Leadership and Innovation. The value of our offering lies in the customization of the programme to your needs. If a module doesn't currently exist - we will source a best-in-class facilitator and develop it for you.


All courses currently require around hours of contact time to complete (1 day), and courses can be  ‘mixed and matched’ to serve a specific set of organisational requirements. There are some online modules to support the workshops specifically in the area of Advertising, Sales, Leadership and Digital Skills. For these we have partnered with a number of e-learning experts, such as Rock and Hard PlaceChart Learning Solutions and Links to the online partners and a course catalogue is here.

Pacing is entirely customisable, from more intense study school or boot camp interventions to slower, more spread-out programmes e.g. several days a week for x weeks, or specific days of the month over a longer period.


In all cases, online and out-of-classroom engagement ensures that in-classroom time is highly interactive and ‘applied’ in nature. 


More details of the courses available are in Airtable on the Build Your Academy page.



How we work


We work with you to help you co-design the academy you need.

The process diagram below demonstrates the various steps - you can use all of them or keep it simple. It's your academy! 




Workflow process of how we build an in-house marketing academy
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Manage it and make it happen!


Capability Scoping is available if necessary by carefully selected partners who specialise in helping organisations ensure that marketing skills development programmes are aligned to strategic capability building and core organisational/marketing goals, and that the investment in ‘training’ is capable of being measured and delivers a tangible ROI. A strategic Capability Diagnostic is a vital starting point to ensuring that training and skills development are fully aligned to and integrated into the behaviours and measures that drive what the marketing team does, and become ‘hardwired’ into the business practice and company’s marketing way. In addition to helping to guide what training and education is most needed, the diagnostic also ensures improvements in how things are done once the training has taken place. Our partnership with Chart Learning Solutions also gives us access to online Assessment tools that can be invaluable in helping scope your academy. For more information about our partners in this space, please email us.


The rollout of the academy is simple! We will work with your HR or admin team to ensure that the right people attend the right modules at the right time. We will help you source venues and control the scheduling of the sessions. We will ensure that the right momentum is maintained to keep up the pace, and keep your people inspired.


We will "skin" the course so that your CI is retained - if you want a snappy name for your academy, we can help you with the design and the application thereof to your academy materials.

We will also liaise with all our Faculty members to ensure that they are fully briefed about your requirements, about your business and your specific objectives, and make sure they understand how their module fits in with the contents of the whole academy. We provide Learning Facilitation, so that the modules are "knitted" together. Regular updates are provided to management and the course is adapted as the needs arise.


Current Course Offering


The Learning Outcomes for all the courses are all described in detail on the pages ahead. For a full view of the courses and modules see the Build Your Own Academy page, or click here

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